
Help for troubleshooting common mistakes

Issue: systemd service stuck in activating status, continuously restarting, won't start

1) Test for detectable issues in your pop systemd config file: sudo systemd-analyze verify pop.service If there is no output then that means no errors were found by this tool, however your .service could still be misconfigured.

2) Review contents of your service config: cat /etc/systemd/system/pop.service

3) Compare with the example systemd service in the documentation

Issue: curl or wget issue when downloading PoP binary

If you received unexpected text on-screen during your download or unexpected errors at runtime, it's quite possible your download was not fully successful and your pop binary is not fully intact.

To test your download URL pasting and curl'ing, attempt to get the following tests to pass. These test your pasted download URL (substitute the URL shown for your download URL)

1) curl -I -s | head -n 1

2) curl -Is >/dev/null && echo "URL is accessible! ✅" || echo "URL is not accessible "

Once you believe you have a good download of the pop binary, attempt a simple ./pop --version

Issue: another service on your system has taken the egress port

Potential error message: 'Error: Os { code: 98, kind: AddrInUse, message: "Address already in use" }'

Explanation: Another program has bound to port 8003, 443 or 80 on your server.

Solutions: 1) Make sure you’ve disabled and shutdown any old DevNet1 instances.

2) You could try rebooting the server as a quick way to clear out other port 8003, 443 or 80 usage.

3) Attempt to determine existing process, PID, user consuming port 8003, 443 or 80. Example uses '8003' but you can replace with '443' or '80' as needed to test.

sudo lsof -i :8003


sudo netstat -tulpn | grep 8003

If you find that nothing is displayed, it means no process is currently using that port.

Issue: Multiple config files, resulting in: 'Node Already Registered' / 'IP Already Associated'

Common Error Messages

  • is already associated with node_id=...

  • "Node already registered"

  • "Failed to register node"

Root Cause

These errors may occur when pop is ran subsequent times outside of the folder it was originally executed. This may result in the following: - a new configuration file being created - an additional registration attempt being made - multiple node_info.json files

This leads to duplicative registration attempts, which system safeguards will block.

In cases like this, your system already registered the first time pop was executed but when you run pop subsequent times from different locations pop may not see your existing node_info.json.

An example scenario: you initially run pop from your home folder and pop registers and creates a node_info.json in your home folder. You then choose to setup pop as a systemd service such that the .service config references a different working directory which does not contain the node_info.json. In this case, duplicative node_info.json's need to be removed, and the original registered node_info.json needs to be moved to the servers working directory.

Diagnostic Script

Save this script as

echo "Searching for node_info.json files..."
echo "----------------------------------------"

# Find all node_info.json files and store details in a temporary file
sudo find / -name node_info.json -type f -exec stat --format="%Z %n" {} \; 2>/dev/null | sort -n > /tmp/node_files.txt

if [ ! -s /tmp/node_files.txt ]; then
    echo "No node_info.json files found on the system."
    rm /tmp/node_files.txt
    exit 0

echo "Found node_info.json files (sorted by change time):"
echo "----------------------------------------"

# Read and format the output
while read timestamp filepath; do
    # Convert timestamp to human readable date
    date_str=$(date -d @"$timestamp" "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    # Get file size
    size=$(sudo du -h "$filepath" | cut -f1)
    # Check if file is being used by a running process
    if sudo lsof "$filepath" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
        status="ACTIVE - Currently in use by running process"
    echo "File: $filepath"
    echo "Created: $date_str"
    echo "Size: $size"
    echo "Status: $status"
    echo "----------------------------------------"
done < /tmp/node_files.txt

# Clean up
rm /tmp/node_files.txt

echo "The OLDEST node_info.json file is likely the original registered one."
echo "If you're experiencing registration issues:"
echo "1. Stop any running pop processes"
echo "2. Ensure your pop service or command uses the oldest node_info.json"
echo "3. Consider removing newer duplicate files after backing them up"
echo ""
echo "To prevent future duplicates:"
echo "- Always run pop commands from the directory containing your original node_info.json"
echo "- Or use the 'pop' alias if you've set up the service using the installation script"

Resolution Steps

  1. Stop your pop service:

sudo systemctl stop pop   # if running as a service
# or
killall pop              # if running directly
  1. Run the diagnostic script to identify your original node_info.json file (usually the oldest one)

  2. Make sure your pop service or command uses the original node_info.json location:

    • If running as a service: Check WorkingDirectory in pop.service: cat /etc/systemd/system/pop.service

    • If running directly: Always cd to the correct directory first

  3. Backup and remove any newer duplicate node_info.json files


  • Always run pop commands from the directory containing your original node_info.json

  • If using the service setup, use the provided 'pop' alias for all commands

  • Never run pop commands from random directories

  • Consider setting up the systemd service which manages this automatically

Last updated